The City of Murray, Kentucky

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Code of Ordinances

The City Clerk keeps a hard copy of the official Murray Code of Ordinances. If there is a specific section that is needed, please contact the City Clerk at 270-762-0300 ext. 1116.  An online version of the Code of Ordinances is now available at: AMLegal Murray, KY

Process of Codification

Once an ordinance is proposed, discussed, read twice (at two separate City Council meetings) and approved upon second reading by City Council, it is officially passed and signed by the mayor and city clerk (see KRS 83A.060). The ordinance is then published and codified. The codification process extracts necessary information and compiles and organizes it in a way that makes it legally presentable in document form. The original is still the "official" ordinance, but the ''chapter and verse'' codified ordinance is what is most commonly referenced.

Recently Published Ordinances

The following Ordinances have been passed and published by the City Council, but have yet to be codified and available for searching online through American Legal Publishing Corporation.

2018-1750 - An ordinance amending City of Murray code of ordinance chapter 32: department, boards, and commissions, specifically �32.51, membership, to modify the ordinance to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the planning commission.

2018-1750PC - An ordinance amending City of Murray code of ordinance chapter 32: department boards, and commissions, specifically �32.51, membership, to modify the ordinance to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the planning commission.

2018-1751BZA - An ordinance amending CIty of Murray code of ordinance Chapter 32: departments, boards, and commissions, specifically, to include new paragraphs, �32.06: membership, term & vacancy; �32.07: officers & meetings; �32.08: bylaws and �32.09: powers & duties to the ordinance to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the board of zoning adjustments.

2018-1752 - An ordinance creating a new chapter 55, buried underground utilities, in order to adopt and ensure compliance with laws of the commonwealth of KENTUCKY, specifically the KENTUCKY 811 laws.

2018-1753 Budget - An ordinance adopting the City of Murray, Kentucky annual budget for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 for the general fund; cemetery fund; alcohol beverage control; municipal aid tax fund; E-911 fund; court award fund; local government economic assistance fund; Murray natural gas system; Murray water and sewer system; Murray storm water system; sanitation, transfer station and central garage division; by estimating revenues and appropriating funds for the operation of city government.

2018-1754 Ad Valorem Tax Rate 2018 - An ordinance amending chapter 96: taxation, specifically chapter �96.03 AD Valorem tax for the purpose of adopting the 2018 annual county assessment for property situated within the city as a basis for AD Valorem tax levies.

2018-1755 BudAmendment - An ordinance amending ordinance number 2017-1738, an ordinance which adopted the FY 2018 City of Murray, Kentucky annual budget by restating certain revenues and expenditures for the City of Murray operations budget.

2018-1756 AmendZoningOrdSigns - An ordinance amending the City of Murray zoning ordinance to create a new paragraph �156.050 signs (B)(9) in order to allow electronic reader boards withing residential zones for churches.

2018-1757 SmokingFinal - An ordinance prohibiting smoking in all workplaces and public places.

2018-1758 Hospital Bond - An ordinance authorizing the issuance of hospital facilities revenue refunding bonds (Murray-Calloway County). (Public hospital corporation). Taxable series 2018 of the City of Murray, Kentucky in a principal amount of approximate S15,000,000. The proceeds of whick shall be load to Murray-Calloway County public hospital corporation. A Kentucky nonprofit corporation. To refund on an interim basis. The outstanding hospital facilities revenue bonds (Murray-Calloway County public hospital corporation project). Series 2010 that were originally issues to pay for of the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of certain hospital facilities located with in the City of Murray, Kentucky which are suitable for use in the furtherance of the health care and health related purposes of Murray-Calloway County public hospital corporation: further authorizing the issuance of hospital facilities revenue refunding bonds (Murray-Calloway County public hospital corporation). Series 2020 of the CIty of Murray, Kentucky in a principal amount of approximately S15.000.000, the proceeds of which shall be loaned to Murray-Calloway County Public hospital corporation for the purpose of refunding said taxable series 2018 bonds: Providing for the pledge of revenue for the payment of each such series of bonds: authorizing a supplement a loan agreement and supplement a lindenture appropriate for the protection and disposition of such revenues and to further secure such bonds: the issuance of each such series of bonds.

2018-1759 - An ordinance amending ordinance number 2017-1738, an ordinance which adopt the FY 2018 City of Murray, Kentucky annual budget by restating certain revenues and expenditures for the City of Murray operations budget.

2018-1762 budget amendment part time planning intern - An Ordinance amending ordinance number 2018-1753, an ordinance which adopted the FY 2019 City of Murray Kentucky annual budget by restating certain revenues and expenditures for the City of Murray operations budget.

2018-1763 Opportunity - An ordinance accepting four (4) newly constructed streets located in vintage hills phase I subdivision, specifically a street being 30 feet in width and aproximately 2,648 feet in length, having a dedicated right-of-way of 60 feet, known as opportunity drive; a street being 29 feet in width and approximately 180 feet in length, having a dedicated right-of-way of 50 feet know as wagon wheel drive; a street being 29 feet in width and approximately 161 feet in length, having a dedicated right-of-way of 50 feet know as carriage house drive; AND A STREET BEING 29 FEET IN WIDTH AND APPROXIMATLEY 179 FEET IN LENGTH, and a street being 29 feet in width and approximately 179 feet in length, having a dedicated right-of-way of 50 feet known as cross cut drive.

2018-1764 Kindgdon - An ordinance accepting a new street, being 30 feet in width and approximately 311 feet in length, having a dedicated right-of-way of 50 feet, known as Kingdom court.

2018-1765 Amend 156 signs II 11-15-18 - An ordinance amending the City of Murray zoning ordinance to amend chapter �156.050 signs in order to update text and clarify current sign regulations for the City of Murray.

2018-1766 Budget Amendment-COPS SVPP Grant An ordinance amending ordinance number 2018-1753, an ordinance which adopted tge FY 19 City of Murray, Kentucky annual budget by restating certain revenues and expenditures for the City of Murray operations budget.

2018-1767 Ordinance Number Budget Amendment Pay Progression Nov 2018 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 2018-1753, AN ORDINANCE WHICH ADOPTED THE FY 19 CITY OF MURRAY, An ordinance amending ordinance number 2018-1753, an ordinance which adopted the FY 19 City of Murray, Kentucky annual budget by restating certain revenues and expenditures for the City of Murray operations budget.
